

Spanish-speaking people

Strike up a conversation!  Don’t be shy!



A dictionary is a great investment for your study of Spanish. Pick one that suits you.  Consider:

             Size: A pocket or small dictionary, such as VOX Compact Spanish and English Dictionary or Webster’s Spanish English Dictionary for Students, can be carried around easily and will have most of the words needed by beginners.  However, as you get more advanced you will want a bigger dictionary that has more words and more nuanced definitions, such as Harper Collins Spanish College Dictionary.

         Format:  Can you easily read the font?  Is it user-friendly, i.e. does the format (bold type, color-codes) allow your eye to easily separate word entries and expressions using the word?  Does it give examples?

         Practicality:  Since Spanish varies from region to region, a good dictionary will include regional words, phrases and colloquialisms. You may also want a dictionary that gives examples of how to use a word.

More on dictionaries


Picture Dictionaries   

A Picture Dictionary is also helpful.  A basic one is the Oxford Picture Dictionary.  This is great for beginners. There are more detailed ones such as Merriam-Webster Spanish-English Visual Dictionary  for higher levels.

More on picture dictionaries


Online Dictionaries and Apps:

        Google Translate


        Word Reference

more on online dictionaries and apps


Free online programs and apps for study Spanish : (Some only offer the beginning lessons free and thereafter you can pay.)

Nowadays, there are amazing resources for practicing Spanish online:  Here are just a few:

Duo Lingo – match pictures with phrases; translate in both directions

Mind Snacks – learn vocabulary through games

L Lingo  – match pictures with oral and written phrases

Mango      – your library may offer this online language course free


Software and CD’s

Rosetta Stone


Drive and Learn Spanish       Drive and Learn Spanish  –  Uses catchy tunes and rhythms to teach vocabulary and useful expressions (audio CD)


Videos for learning Spanish:

Yabla      – for a monthly fee you can watch hundreds of videos with Spanish and English subtitles to help you along; some free videos

Destinos  – learn Spanish as you watch this telenovela and do exercises

Mi Vida Loca  – fun, interactive story to learn Spanish


Radio and TV

These local radio stations (North New Jersey/NYC) and channels are also online and have interesting content!

Radio –  93.1 FM (WPAT)      96.3 FM (WXNY)       97.9 FM  (WSKQ)       1280 AM (WADO)

Television – Univision

Discovery en Español


basic vocabulary

General: links to many sites –

Veinte Mundos   –  online Spanish magazine, 3 levels, hover over a word and it will translate for you

OR just put in a search for key words like “ejercicios” (exercises) “videos de cocinar” (cooking); “dibujar” (drawing) and see what comes up.